DP4A - Digital asset management platform

Approved by order
JSC "Information and Accounting Center"
dated September 23, 2024 No. 608

Privacy Policy of the web portale-Qazyna .kz

Chapter 1. General Provisions

1. This Privacy Policy of the web portal e-Qazyna.kz (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information provided users of information during the use of the web portal e-Qazyna.kz (hereinafter referred to as e-Qazyna), located at the domain name https://e-Qazyna.kz/.

2. The user of e-Qazyna, performing all actions aimed at using e-Qazyna, fully accepts all the terms of the Policy and expresses his voluntary consent to the processing of the provided data for the purposes described in the Policy.

3. If the user does not agree with the Policy, he is obliged to refuse using e-Qazyna.

Chapter 2. Collection and/or processing of user information

4. The processing of personal data in this Policy means:

1) data collection;

2) their systematization;

3) accumulation;

4) copying;

5) storage;

6) editing (updating, changing);

7) use;

8) depersonalization;

9) blocking;

10) destruction;

11) other types of data processing provided for by the current legislation of Kazakhstan.

5. Using e-Qazyna means the user's unconditional consent to the processing of the following information about the user:

1) personal data.

When using software products and/or services, e-Qazyna may collect and process the following personal data, including, but not limited to: the user's IIN/BIN, user's full name, mobile phone number, date and/or year of birth, email address, IP address, information about the mobile device from which access is made, date and time of visits from software products and/or services, version of the operating system, unique device identifiers.

Personal data is collected exclusively for the following purposes:

– user identification;

– providing the user with personalized services;

– communication with the user, including sending notifications, offers and information regarding the use of e-Qazyna, provision of services, and processing of requests from the user;

2) user data that is not personal data.

Types of data that are not personal data include, but are not limited to:

– information on the property lease (rent) agreement;

– information on the lease (sublease) agreement for housing registered in the register of state property by the local executive body;

– information on the privatization agreement for housing from the state fund

– information on registered rights (encumbrances) to real estate and its technical characteristics;

– information on the absence (presence) of debt on rent of premises;

– information on tenders;

– information on the land plot;

– information on property valuation;

– information on bank loan agreements and on the provision of microcredit;

– information on concession agreements and public-private partnerships;

– information on state-owned enterprises and institutions, legal entities with state participation in the authorized capital;

– financial statements of state-owned enterprises and institutions, legal entities with state participation in the authorized capital.

6. The user is fully responsible for all actions related to data when using e-Qazyna. The owner of the data after their transfer remains the user. The data is stored for no longer than is necessary in accordance with the purpose of their processing, and the user can request the data to be deleted at any time.

Chapter 3. Provision of user information to third parties

7. In some cases, e-Qazyna may provide certain personal data to strategic partners cooperating with the owner of e-Qazyna to provide products and services. The owner of e-Qazyna provides the amount of personal data necessary only to provide the required service or conduct the required transaction. Strategic partners undertake to accept the terms of this Policy. Information is not provided to third parties for their marketing purposes.

8. To use personal data, e-Qazyna requests the user's consent to the processing of personal data.

The user's personal data may be transferred at the request of authorized state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan only on the grounds and in the manner established by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 4. Security measures used to maintain the confidentiality of information

9. e-Qazyna has modern technologies and internal procedures, carries out all actions aimed at protecting information from outside interference, unauthorized attempts to access information, changes, detection of distortions and/or changes in the content of electronic documents, disclosure or destruction.

10. The user is obliged not to disclose, provide or hide when entering their account data, not to transfer the electronic digital signature to third parties. It is recommended to use and promptly update antivirus programs to ensure maximum protection. Compliance with these recommendations by the user will ensure maximum security of the information provided, and will also reduce possible risks when performing transactions using an electronic digital signature, including via the Internet.

11. The use of confidential information is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Personal Data and Their Protection", as well as the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12. If the user's data became available to third parties, or was improperly disclosed, e-Qazyna undertakes to notify the user in any available way.

Chapter 5. Other Provisions

13. The user of e-Qazyna has the opportunity to receive their original data in Excel format.

14. At the request of the user, e-Qazyna undertakes to delete any identification information, however, e-Qazyna does not undertake to delete information from any previously created backup copies.

15.The Company has the right to make changes and/or additions to the Policy unilaterally, with the publication of changes and/or additions, or in a new version on e-Qazyna. Changes come into force immediately after publication, so it is recommended to regularly review e-Qazyna.

16. In the event of a change in the owner of e-Qazyna, users will be notified by any available means. The new owner of e-Qazyna undertakes to comply with this Policy in relation to users.

Contacts of the owner of e-Qazyna

You can use the contacts below in order to contact on issues related to the Privacy Policy.

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, Republic Ave., 29;

e-mail: iac@gosreestr.kz, Tel.: +7 (7172) 552981.

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